5 Reasons This Weather is Crushing My Mood
Here in the tri-state area, I feel like we haven’t seen the sun in weeks. The rain and gloom is on the top of everyone’s mind and it is starting to get to me. Why? 1. I can’t wear sunglasses and at almost 46, I really, really need them, especially in the morning, to hide […]Measles: What You Need to Know
With all the news about measles and the controversy over vaccinations, it is useful to review the facts. WHAT IS IT AND HOW DO YOU GET IT? Measles (a.k.a. rubeola) is very contagious disease caused by a virus. Because it lives in the mucous in the nose and throat, it is spread in the same […]The Measles Vaccine and Seatbelts
Measles cases are on the rise. This comes as no surprise to me. Parents have chosen to not vaccinate their children, largely because of a since disproved theory that the MMR vaccine caused autism. The world is shrinking and globally contagious illnesses threaten our unvaccinated. I’m not quite sure why so much shade is still […]What is Your Favorite App for Meditating?
Also read: Why You Need Meditation More Than Your Mother Did I just read an article about how one Baltimore school was implementing meditation into their school to replace after school detentions. Instead of sitting in a classroom staring a a blank chalkboard, the school runs a program from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. that teaches yoga, […]I Cannot Believe Seltzer is Bad for Us
When I was growing up, there were 2L bottles of Pepsi in the house every payday, so every two weeks we binged and splurged on bad stuff. There were also Doritos while they lasted. We would consume all this junk while watching Little House on the Prairie reruns at 5pm on channel 11 — which […]How Tamiflu Affected Me
My son and I had the flu 2 weeks ago. I hadn’t had it in years. And yes, we did get flu shots but we just happened to be a few of the unlucky ones who get the flu anyway. We spiked fevers quickly, and aches and pains followed. My first instinct was to grin and bear […]10 Reasons to Exercise…Even if You Hate it.
“You can’t out-train crappy eating.” This is a very true, somewhat depressing statement. What is the first thing everyone who wants to lose weight does? They join a gym. For the small percentage of people who actually then go to the gym, the results can be disappointing, discouraging them from continuing. Unfortunately, the weight doesn’t […]Should You Take Tamiflu?
Also read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu You or someone in your family was just diagnosed with the flu. Now what? Just like the flu shot, there is a lot of controversy about Tamiflu, and with it, lots of misinformation. Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is an anti-viral medication, which has its limitations. It […]Subscribe!
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