Do You Really Need a Yearly Pap Smear?
If you’re a woman, a pap smear is a part of your life. It has become synonymous with a gyn exam (“I’m due for my pap,”) but the recommendations have changed, and research shows the majority of women no longer need this screening test every year. Insurance companies are denying coverage for the test, which leaves many of us wondering […]Daddies to Be: Put That Beer Down Now
Also read: Are You Drinking Too Much? The headline is, “Dads-to-be should stop drinking 6 months before conception for baby’s heart health, study says.” I have to admit, my first reaction to this CNN article, was well, it is about frigging time the father has to give up something! I spent 40 months of my life, not including […]Get on the Ball: Schedule Your Mammogram
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. Regular screenings for breast cancer are so important because it’s been shown time and time again that regular screening for breast cancer with a mammogram and a breast self-exam reduces the risk of dying from breast cancer by catching the cancer early, […]Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus: 7 Things You Should Know
EEEV is making headlines. That’s Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus. The CDC documents an average of 7 cases per year, but this year, there are about 30 nationwide. According to the latest reports, nine people have died. Check with your local health department for statistics in your area. What you need to know: 1. The virus is transmitted through mosquitoes. […]How to Do a Breast Self-Exam
Also read: What You Need to Know About Mammograms The fact is, experts don’t agree on whether or not we should recommend self breast exams. The evidence doesn’t support or deny its effectiveness. For what it is worth, as a woman, a physician, a friend, and a sister, my feeling is this … why not? If […]What You Need to Know About Mammograms
Originally posted on October 1, 2015 by Dr. Laura Klein, breast surgeon and Medical Director of The Valley Hospital Breast Center Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. Regular screenings for breast cancer are so important because it’s been shown time and time again that regular screening for breast […]What You Need to Know About PMS
With three teenage girls, understanding PMS is less of an intellectual endeavor and more of a survival skill. I often wonder how much of the foul mood, the needing to be alone and the snippiness are organically due to premenstrual syndrome, and how much is just typical adolescent behavior. It isn’t that I am not […]Staying Healthy in College
The health advice I am sharing with my daughter before she leaves for college.Subscribe!
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