Why is My Tempertature So Low?! Am I Cold-Blooded?
Most of us ususally only check our tempertures when we’re sick. But now with Covid, we’re getting temperature checks regulary. Recently, I noticed that my temperature was lower than it once was and worried…is this normal?! Am I cold-blooded? So asked Dr. Karen Latimer to explain: Dr. Karen Latimer: Yes, it is normal! Adult body temperatures are now about one degree lower. A recent study showed that the normal […]Valley’s Tips for Better Sleep
Sleep matters! It just does. Good consistent sleep will make you more productive, happier, and healthier. Our culture of “busy” as the new norm, is toxic to our anxiety levels and has us all wishing for more hours in the day. As we will never be able to find or invent those, we often […]Tips for Trick or Treating Safely This Year
Looking for tips on how to trick or treat this year? Here are safety guidelines from the New Jersey Department of Health. For more information, go to nj.gov. Also Check Out 7 Tips for Getting Candy to Kids…in Clever, Socially Distanced Ways. Halloween Cocktails: Vanilla Pumpkin Martini DIY Halloween CostumesMenopause and Sleep
Menopause and sleep go together like oil and water, and the oil is starting to get really cranky. Just at a time when sleep is so vital to our overall emotional and physical health, it evades us like a toddler running away from a spoonful of peas. The more we chase, the more frustrated we […]Virtual Education from Valley Hospital
Valley’s Fall Health Series is spot on … these are all concerns I hear often from patients, friends and family. Since virtual is the new way to learn, why not take advantage of these convenient, FREE classes from Valley on medical topics you may be thinking about? Overall health and wellness is as important now as […]You Can Have a Healthier Semester with dormMD
Introducing personalized, convenient, excellent healthcare in the privacy of your own dorm!10+ Infused Waters to Keep You Hydrated & Healthy
10+ Infused Waters to Keep You Hydrated & Healthy Put down that can of soda! On a hot day, nothing is better for you than water. But when you infuse it with fruit and ingredients that give it zesty flavor and can boost your immune system, it’s even better. Here are a few of our favorite combos to put in your fruit-infusing […]10+ Tips For Avoiding Maskne (Acne from Your Mask)
Do you know what Maskne is? Unfortunately, I do, because I have a mild case of it. Maskne is acne on your cheeks and chin caused by face masks. We are all trying to navigate the new world of face coverings, some of us opting for bejeweled, and some of us opting for the most […]Subscribe!
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