Summer Health Series – Sunproofing Your Skin

Valley Hospital and Ridgewood Public Library are joining forces to offer FREE Health Sessions. Check out Sunproofing Your Skin.

Move of the Week – Kegels

Kegels are not just for pre/post natal women and seniors with incontinence issues.  They are also highly effective in enhancing sexual pleasure in both men and women.

Tammy’s Tidbits – Topic 1

After a particularly indulgent weekend I felt compelled to do a post on implementing better nutritional choices. I’m going back to basics with 3 tidbits everyone can incorporate into their daily habits.

How to Make the Most of Your Rehabilitation

If you find yourself in need of physical therapy OR you have your physical therapist on speed dial you may want to read more on how to make the most of your rehabilitation.

Do Toddlers Need to Workout?

Do toddlers need to workout? You may be surprised to know there is a recommended  daily requirement of duration and type of physical activity for this age group.

Move of the Week – Child’s Pose

The move of the week can help reduce stress and fatigue; relieve lower back tension or simply be used as a form of meditation.

Bridge or Gluteal Press

The bridge exercise is great for strengthening buttocks, hamstrings and core but is also terrific for those with lower back issues.

Dietary Protein – 3 Things to Consider

Regardless of your fitness level, age, or sex it’s important to consider these three factors about dietary protein intake.


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