Jump Rope

Channel you're inner child (or inner boxer) and get your cardio on with this fun move of the week.

Tough Mudder Mayhem Workout

A playground workout inspired for Tough Mudder Race readiness.

SMART Goals – Part 2

Part 2 of setting your SMART goals is determining if they are achievable and realistic.

Hammer Curl to a Shoulder Press

One movement that tones arms and shoulders and works the core too.


It’s well known that successful people set goals for themselves. Many people float aimlessly through life just going through the motions. Having concrete goals gives us validity and intention to our actions and in the big picture sense, a better quality of life. It’s comparable to keeping your eye on the prize. Often, we can […]

HPV Vaccination

Ideally, HPV vaccinations should begin in both males and females at 11-12 years of age.

Power Anthem Playlist

It is no secret that music has an ability to motivate us. Add these peppy power anthems to your iPod to get moving.

The Big Debate – Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt

Which is better for you, Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt?


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