Nutritious Cocktails – Do They Exist?

Wouldn't it be great if cocktail drinks were on the same page as a post-workout smoothie for health and nutrition? Reality, however, is not that kind but I do have some tips for choosing or making lower calorie cocktails.

Plank with Alternating 1 Arm Row

Develop a strong, sexy back while challenging your core muscles with this move of the week.

Tammy’s Tips 8

Enjoy summer barbeques without the guilt.

AMA Officially Declares “Obesity is a Disease”

With our fastest growing epidemic, obesity, now officially considered a disease, I just can't help but feel skeptical.

Help for Those ‘In the Middle’

It's not easy to be in the middle of children and aging parents that all need you.

Inner Thigh/Core Challenge

This exercise is a twofer. One exercise that targets two areas of the body - core and inner thighs.

Hit the Snooze Button or Hit the Gym? Oh the Dilemma

Get up early? To exercise? Are you crazy? Maybe, but with these planning and prep tips you may find early morning workouts to be highly rewarding (and addictive).

Fitness Themed Birthday Parties

Keep your Birthday Party planning simple, inexpensive and effective with these active themes.


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