The #1 Fitness Trend for 2015

What's the hottest fitness trend in 2015?

LBD – Desirable Arms and Legs

Ladies, pull out that Little Black Dress and show off your arms and legs with this quick, pre-party toning workout.

Protect Your Back this December

There's no time to be laid up with a bad back this time of year.

DIY Gym Gear

Save money, time and childcare costs with your own home gym that won't break your wallet.

Two Local Docs Discuss Vaccinations

I took my boys for their shots at our pediatrician's office. Dr. Darren Saks explained the importance of getting your children vaccinated now, and stuck my kids on camera. I know, I know … bad parenting. But, it went great. Whew!

Hold Still to Gain Strength -A New Challenge

This new challenge is not about movement but about holding still. How long can you hold these two positions and how many rounds can you do?

The Home Alone Debate

What is the right age to leave your child home alone?

How to Keep your Eyes Safe this Summer

Tips Founder, Dr. Karen Latimer, explains why its so important to protect your eyes from the sun.


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