Holiday Gifts to Keep Everyone Fit!
With 2020 closing down gyms and putting a spotlight on fitness and health, many people have already turned to home gyms or the great outdoors to get their fit fix. This holiday season, I wanted to share some gift ideas for the fitness enthusiasts in your life. 1. Bands. With the shortage of dumbbells this […]Tammy’s At-Home Quarantined Crunchless Core Workout
With everyone stuck at home and all the gyms closed, we need a good core workout more than ever! Go on a walk, job or bike ride and then come home and do this quick Total Core Workout from our Fitness Editor, Tammy Juco. This week, our Marketing Director, Heather Zachariah, challenged me to come up with a […]Girls are more likely to tear an ACL
I marvel at the abuse my daughters’ bodies take on the field, and I am ever impressed by all female athletes, because, as a non-athlete middle aged woman, everything they do looks really painful. If I bang my elbow while reaching for something, I need a nap, an ice pack, and a margarita. If I […]Hotel Room Workout
As much as I love to travel, it always throws a wrench into my workout routine. My regular schedule is out the window; I don’t have my equipment; often I don’t have much space to work with especially in hotel rooms and finding the time to exercise can be a challenge. But I’ve found ways […]GET FIT: At the RHS Fitness Fundraiser
Our Favorite Musical Theater Workshop for Kids Drive, Bump & Spin on Ice! Why Turmeric is Good for You 20+ Festive Fun Cocktails 25+ of Our Favorite Family GamesTry Turkish Get-Ups
The move of the week requires the whole body to work in unison – with a strong core component and many modifications to fit any fitness level. Lie flat on your back with your legs extended, one hand out to the side and the other extended straight above you (keep this arm position throughout the move). As […]10 Reasons to Exercise…Even if You Hate it.
“You can’t out-train crappy eating.” This is a very true, somewhat depressing statement. What is the first thing everyone who wants to lose weight does? They join a gym. For the small percentage of people who actually then go to the gym, the results can be disappointing, discouraging them from continuing. Unfortunately, the weight doesn’t […]Subscribe!
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