7 Ways to Stop the Stress From Affecting Your Skin
Edited and reposted from a few years ago … this post is a great reminder for me! Every year at this time, I start feeling like I’m picking up the green hue of the grinch, even though my spirit is at an all time high. I want the excitement and joy I feel on the […]10+ Fruit-Infused Waters to Keep You Hydrated…& Healthy
Put down that can of soda! On a hot day, nothing is better for you than water. But when you infuse it with fruit and ingredients that give it zesty flavor and can boost your immune system, it’s even better. Here are a few of our favorite combos to put in your fruit-infusing bottle 1. Fruit Punch Add whatever you have in […]Which is Better: Gatorade or Water?
Are sports drinks a nutritional replenishment or simply the new soda? Should you pump your kids full of Gatorade so they don’t dehydrate…or are you just providing empty calories? Gatorade was produced in response to a request by the University of Florida’s football coach who was looking for a way to keep his athletes from getting dehydrated. In the hot Florida […]Chill Out with a Refreshing Basil & Strawberry Water…With or Without Vodka.
I’m always looking for ways to get more water inside of me. Right now, I have so much basil in my garden that I decided to infuse my water with the basil and some fresh strawberries for a totally refreshing drink on this very hot summer day! Ingredients 8 fresh strawberries 10 fresh basil leaves 8 cups cold water (or use […]5 Tips to Beat the Heat
1. Who is susceptible to Heat Illness? Children under the age of 4 and adults over the age of 65 are at most risk of becoming ill from the heat. Obesity, certain medications, some chronic illnesses and being overdressed all further increase the risk. Today, I’m focusing on kids but the idea is pretty much the same for seniors. […]Can Too Many Vitamins Make You Sick?
I’m noticing a “health” trend around my town and amongst my friends. Docs are testing for just about everything that can be tested for in an effort to find intolerances, deficiencies and excesses. The theory is we can fight aging and feel better if we have the perfect balance of the nutrients our body craves, these being specific to us. I’m […]How to Prevent Heat Stroke
1. Who is susceptible to Heat Illness? Children under the age of 4 and adults over the age of 65 are at most risk of becoming ill from the heat. Obesity, certain medications, some chronic illnesses and being overdressed all further increase the risk. Today, I’m focusing on kids but the idea is pretty much the same for seniors. […]Why Am I So Tired After Lunch?
Today, I ate lunch, and then sat down outside to do some work. With the sun shining strong for the first time in a while, I looked up, closed my eyes to soak in some vitamin D, and promptly fell asleep. What the heck? I’m not narcoleptic. I’m not hung over. I don’t have a newborn and I’m not a […]Subscribe!
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