Fireworks ALL Summer Long!

Thanks to RVC’s Patch, I can share this info with you all – There are going to be some spectacular shows lined up. I am planning on catching more than one – The Long Beach show over the water is AMAZING!  I hope you can pencil a few dates in  too! Nassau County July 1 […]

Now, THIS Is QUITE Impressive!

I recently read about a young man from town that has embarked on an ambitious journey. 24 year old Danny Finnegan from Rockville Centre, along with his friend Abby Bongaarts, also 24 from Michigan, have decided to fulfill their dream and walk across America! They began their trek in March from Long Beach, New York […]

Happy Hour Concert Series

Enjoy live music, art and cocktails Fridays evenings at 5:30 to 8pm through August 11. Cool off in our happy hour beer garden with an ice-cold, hand-built brew from Cleveland favorite, Butcher and The Brewer. (Must be 21+ with proper ID to purchase alcoholic beverages.) Explore the neighborhood — Open artist studios from 7-9 at Artful Cleveland (Located right across […]

Father’s Day Shopping – Downtown Has You Covered!

Are you looking for some great gifts to get Dad for Father’s Day? The stores in town always have some great stuff to check out. They are great for any of the Dad’s in your life, and it is always so great to support our local stores.   BBQ Kit from Savory Spice Savory Spice […]

Memorial Day Happenings

I love the sense of community we have here in Westfield. One of my favorite events is the Memorial Day Parade. This year’s annual Memorial Day Parade will take place on Monday, May 29. Opening ceremonies will begin at 9 am, at the World War I Monument Circle, and then proceed on E. Broad St. through […]

Get Out And Run The Park This Sunday!

It’s supposed to be a beautiful this weekend, and if your looking for some fun family outdoor time be sure to register for the Run The Park Event scheduled for this Sunday, May 21 at Tamaques Park. The Run The Park is a 5K and 1-miler fun run that helps support the Westfield Recreation Department. The […]

What You Need For Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day is this weekend, and I don’t know about you, but as much as I love my kids and family, what I want most for Mother’s Day is a little me time. Downtown Westfield definitely has you covered! Girl’s Night Out is returning to town this Thursday, May 11. This year it is going to […]

Gonggi – My New Fave Game!

Last month it was Fidget Spinners, and THIS month is is Gonggi! The big difference? Fidget Spinners were supposed to aid children with Attention Deficit Disorders and were unfortunately doing the opposite – distracting students as they worked! Now I notice a new game has caught on and this one can’t be played during actual […]