Talking to Your Kids About Las Vegas
If you read my post yesterday, you know I’m trying to use October to make small changes in my life that will bring me greater peace and contentment. The world is not making it easy. I woke, like many of you, this morning to a CNN alert on my phone to the largest mass shooting in […]Advice from My Priest About Being Kind on the Road
Almost every day, there seems to be an unsettling post on FB about someone being cut off by a crazy driver or a pedestrian who was nearly hit by a speeding car. This week, a friend’s daughter tripped in the street on her way to school and literally had to roll out of the way as a car […]Fall Front Porch Ideas
Decorating outdoor porches and patios is a great way to add seasonal flair to your home. Use rich, vibrant color in your outdoor decorating, with pumpkins, gourds, mums and other natural elements.
Tips for Living with a Non-Sharer
I suffer from a slight aversion to sharing, food that is. This not to be confused with stinginess. I’m somewhat sharing-impaired. I get my back up a bit when someone suggests sharing a bunch of little plates for dinner until I know what type of “sharers” I am dining with. You see, I’ve been burned. I wasn’t […]Back to School Blues: Early Mornings & Piles of Papers
By Shannon Albarelli, Psy.D. The mornings are getting colder, the smells are crisper, and the frenzy of thoughts surrounding school preparation is beginning. For some, the structure of the school year is welcomed with open arms. For others, all they can think about is the early morning wake-ups, the paperwork, the homework, and the whole […]20 Things for Your Back To School “To Do” List
With only days left before it is “back to school” time – Here is what STILL needs to be done: School Supply Shopping Direct the kids to Cliffs Notes to review the book they were “supposed to” read – or download the movie so they don’t look like complete slackers! Get the car washed AND […]Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe
As I was casually stalking social media today, I came across this picture that a friend used as her cover photo on Facebook. I chuckled in agreement and then thought to myself : Man, ain’t that the truth. As a young child you base your popularity on the amount of children that attend your birthday parties.You […]Pets: In or Out of the “Family” Bed?
There are obviously two sides to every story – and this one gets a lot of heat from both sides. Some people are so in love with their pets that they dress them up in daily outfits, take them to Pet Spas, Portrait Studios and even therapists.Then, there are those that treat their pets as animals […]Subscribe!
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January 12, 2013
Ensopado de Carne
October 10, 2018
Need a mid afternoon pick me up?
July 22, 2014
Island Chic Inspiration
July 14, 2016
A Healthy Breakfast! Just What The Doctor Ordered
March 02, 2015