The Dumbest Job Ever: Mother.
It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud —especially if it’s while I’m sweating and working my heiny off on the elliptical at the gym. (Yes, I read the paper while I work out—multitasking!) But the other day, I nearly tumbled off the machine into bruising hysterics when I read “Job Description for […]20+ Women Your Kids Should Know About
Being a woman today is easier — not easy, but easier — because of the women below. I feel such gratitude for the many women before me who struggled and persevered, so the road for me and my daughters is a little less bumpy. Here are a few that immediately come to mind. Feel free to […]Mrs. Potato Head Didn’t Inspire Anything in Me; It Was All About Barb.
Growing up, I loved Barbies. My best friend Jessica and I would play for days on end. I never had a Barbie mansion, car or camper (you can bet I made up for that with my own girls) so we would make rooms out of cardboard boxes glueing old wallpaper to the sides and carpeting them with remnants. We […]What It’s Really Like To Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day When You’re Irish
Written by Kelly Gibney at Colby College for Spoon University Many of us remember arriving in our elementary school classrooms the morning of St. Patrick’s Day looking into our cubbies and seeing sparkling gold dust, supposedly left behind by the mischievous leprechauns that had visited our classrooms the night before. We checked our mini pots that we made the […]The Parkland Shooting: 5 Things You Can Do.
Since 2013, there have been nearly 300 school shootings in America. This week, Parkland students made a bod statement to the press, “We are going to be the last mass shooting.” They are taking action. They are planning two school walkouts and a trip to Tallahassee to have sit-downs with legislators in the state Capitol. They also are […]Advice to My Daughters about Work
Will you encourage your daughters to make the same choices you made?
Please Try to Be Very Quiet and Still
Read: 5 Things You Can Do to Make a Difference Like most of us, I cannot get the tragic events of last week’s mass school shooting off my mind. To be one of those families that lost a loved one is unfathomable. My 10 and 12 year old understood full well the horror of what happened. Both […]Subscribe!
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