How I’m Feeling Today.
We are 13 days into our “Shelter in Place;” our family started a week before it was mandated. 13 days of togetherness is a lot. But oddly, it’s been sort fun and surprisingly easy. We all feel much more relaxed without having to adhere to crazy schedules. We have enough food, even if it isn’t all fresh […]Today is My Sister’s 40th and She is Spending it at Work
Today is my sister Alli’s 40th birthday and she is spending the day at work. She might not have wanted to go but she felt like she had to. Unlike many of us who are hunkered down with our families and avoiding crowds, she is encountering hundreds of people a day. She is in what many have […]The Fallout We Need to Consider
The dark humor abounds. Funny videos are hitting my inbox, and my texts are blowing up with memes about the increased need for alcohol and the decreased need for toilet paper — we all seem to have much more than we need. I appreciate the laughs, I really do. I need them. As I’ve learned the […]5 Ways to Reframe the Quarantine
Also Read: 5 Good Things About the Coronavirus This is crazy, right? What is happening? The panic is scarier than the virus itself. I feel like I’m in the movie Outbreak, and any second Renee Russo is going to knock on my door in a yellow space suit, or the military is going to prevent […]6 Tips For Staying Sane during School Shutdowns
Also Read: 5 Good Things About CoronavirusMy kids are “learning from home” for the next two weeks (at least.) This is unprecedented and stressful, but there is no getting around it, so I think we have no other choice but to buckle down and make the most of it. Read: How we can reframe this crisis. […]Kobe: Why It Hit This Non-Sports Fan Hard
The death of Kobe Bryant hit all of us hard this weekend but what hit the hardest for me was discovering what he was doing when he died. Something so average and mundane. Something I do every day—and often complain about. He was carpooling (via helicopter) his child and her friend to a travel basketball game when the […]Which Social Media App is the Most Stressful?
Also Read: When Snapchat is Your Teen’s Main Mode of Communication The other day, Lorelei (age 14) casually mentioned something about social media and said, “I posted there because it is less stressful.” I know social media adds stress to their lives, but I hadn’t given much thought about which platform is more anxiety producing […]Irish Blessings
The Irish have a long love affair with the spoken and written word. Think of all the wonderful writers who have hailed from this somewhat small island: Oscar Wilde, James Joyce and W.B Yeats. I’ve heard and grown to love these Irish blessings at weddings, birthdays, farewells and funerals over the years. I can still hear […]Subscribe!
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