A Secret from the Stars!

So, we've only suffered a handful of really cold days this winter- I probably should be considering us lucky, but I can feel a change in my skin already.  I have possibly tried hundreds of different skin care lines- but I can now tell you, I have found one of my favorites.

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of plant essences that are extracted from different parts of a plant – leaf, root, seed, bark, flower, fruit peel. The essences contain chemical constituents that give them powerful healing properties for body, mind and spirit.

Brows that Wow!

Women often ask me… if you only had a minute to spend putting makeup on in the morning, what would you do?  My answer is the same every time... fill in my brows, put on my favorite volumizing mascara (Chanel's Inimitable Intense) and lip gloss.  Not many people realize how important eyebrows are in defining your face.  The trend right now is a fuller brow-- I'm not talking Groucho Marx, but the quicker you can get yours growing in the better.

How many ways can you tie a scarf?

The scarf...it's the one accessory in your closet that offers almost limitless styling possibilities.  Drape it, tie it, loop it, twist it-- it's your call.

Fashion for Pups — Good idea?

With the weather getting colder, you may wonder if you should add some more layers to your dog. Turns out, our expert, Kathy, gets that question all the time.

How Bad are High Heels?

Yes, your legs look longer and leaner, but what do those fabulous shoes do to your feet? We asked Dr. Robert Conenello.

The Best Way to Get Out Red Wine

Red wine does not have to be an enemy to your wardrobe anymore!

To Shellac or not to Shellac

Tired of your nails smudging or chipping before you even get out of the nail salon? Shellac may be the way to go.


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December 13, 2017

Deer Dung