25+ Things to Do on a Snow Day
1. FInish Your Holiday Cards Take the time to write individual notes; your recipients will appreciate it. Ask the kids to help too. 2. Wrap Your Gifts with Care I can still remember putting my finger in the middle of a ribbon for my mom so she could make a bow. Get together with the kids […]Glow-in-the-Dark Toys for Dark Days
Also read: 50+ Fun Family Games Even though the days are shorter and it gets dark at 4:30, my kids still want to play outside. My son recently said, “Wish there was such a thing as a glow-in-the-dark basketball.” Well, there is! And a bunch of other sports equipment that glows for these darker days… First you […]Pandemic: The Game
If living through a pandemic is stressing you out, you can now let off some steam playing a board game called, you guessed it, Pandemic. And in this scenario, you get to be part of the dream team that finds a cure. Surprisingly, the game came out in 2008. Players have to work together to save humanity from 4 diseases […]30+ Ideas for Your Elf on the Shelf
Still Need an Elf? Get Your Elf on the Shelf here.Remember when your Elf on the Shelf was content just sitting on a shelf? Those days are over! We live in a Pinterest perfect work and our elves are not immune! They get more creative every year and now require props, accessories and new outfits–some wearing Elf Couture! […]15 Adult Games: 21 and Over Only!
Also Read: Our 25+ Favorite Family Games After we put together our 25+ Favorite, Must-Have Family Games post, we realized, grown-ups need to let off a little steam from the holiday stress too. So here are our Adults Only picks to play with your silliest, closest friends! I’ll be playing with my siblings …AFTER mom and dad go to bed. Try […]8 Reasons Your Zoomsgiving Might Be the Best Thanksgiving EVER!
While this might not be the year to see family in person, there are silver linings–6 in fact! Here’s why your Zoomsgiving might be the best Thanksgiving yet! 1. I Can’t Fit My Whole Family at One Table My extended family would never fit at one table, but we will fit on a zoom screen! 2. […]How to See Santa This Year
This year is a different from other years; Santa needs to social distance too! But we discovered a way that your kids can still have a visit with Santa–virtually. Santa will virtually visit your family from his North Pole Home, via ZOOM for 10 minutes through North Pole Direct. Have your Christmas list ready and any […]What to Wear to Your Thanksgiving Zoom: Turkey Hats!
This will be the first year in 15 years that we won’t be with my husband’s family at Thanksgiving. I know I’m not the only one that is separated from their family this year. We do plan to zoom and I wanted to find a way to keep things light and silly. We all need […]Subscribe!
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