Get Your Summer Swimmer Arms

Get your arms toned for summer with this move of the week.

A Nutritional Lowdown on Libations

Whether you plan on consuming a cool brew at a BBQ or fancy cocktails at an upscale dinner this Memorial Day, check out the complete nutritional info on your libations of choice.

Countdown to a Beach Bod

With just over a month until July, I have 28 days of mini workouts to jumpstart; add to or just squeeze in leading up to swimsuit season.

Why Prevention?

Here's the bottom line. People are living longer. This means, like it or not, you may live to be 100 -- or more. Decide now the type of older person you want to be. Do you want to be frail and sickly, or do you want to be young at heart, enjoying life into all your decades?

Osteoporosis Prevention Tips

Osteoporosis is not something that occurs only in post-menopausal women. Could you be at risk?

A Runner’s Tips for Injury Prevention

Be smart about your training and you'll have a much better chance of remaining injury-free.

Posture Perfect

Instantly look taller, slimmer, and more confident. It's all in how you carry yourself.

Prevent Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow affects thousands of players every year. Here are strategies to reduce your risk and return to action.