60+ Things to Do While You’re Quarantined
If you told me 3 weeks ago that I’d be staying at home indefinitely with my kids and husband, I’d have thought you were nuts. But things changed quickly and here we are! The best way to keep your stress level low is to keep busy, have some fun and be productive. We know; it’s hard. But take a breath and […]Take a Virtual Trip to One of These Museums or Parks
Going stir-crazy and need to get out of the house? Take a trip to a museum…a virtual trip, that is: 1. Go on a trip and see the largest creatures that ever walked the earth at the Smithsonian. 2. Climb the spiral staircase at The Guggenheim Museum in New York. 3. See exhibition “Vida Americana: Mexican Muralists at The Whitney. 4. Visit […]April Fools’ Day Pranks to Play on Your Family
Kids love pranks, and since I dropped the ball with the leprechaun this year, I am going to step up my game for April 1st. But, I like simple, so here are some easy ways to get the best of your kids. 1. Change the password on your Netflix account… …and tell them you forgot to pay the bill […]7 Things You Should Do During Your Quarantine
I am not going to say what you think I will say. If one more person tells me to wash my hands, I may lose my mind. We’ve all got that one right?! There are other things we need to be mindful of at this time of shelter in place, that have less to do […]10+ Crazy, Fun Virtual Roller Coaster Rides
Stuck at home and looking for a thrill? Experience a roller coaster ride right in your living room. Here are a few of our favorites. 1. The Steel Vengeance at Cedar Point, tallest hybrid roller coaster at 205 feet tall, steepest drop on a hybrid roller coaster at 90 degrees! 2. Maybe the scariest ride, Saw the Ride starts indoors […]35+ Things to Do with Bored Kids
With “Shelter in Place” happening everywhere and homeschooling ending at 12:30 or 1pm, there are A LOT of hours left to fill in the day. When you’re all feeling cooped up, and have filled your quote for screen time, try one of these ideas to spark some indoor activity. 1. Have a House Party! I never thought […]Why This Town is Putting Up Christmas Lights.
I almost put my Chirstmas tree up the other day. I know. That sounds like a crazy thing to do at the end of March, but I love Christmas time and thought it would bring a little unexpected joy to our week. Then my sister shared a fun idea with me. Back in Ohio, where […]Invite Your Family to a House Party
My niece, who was turning 25, invited her family to her bedroom for a cocktail party last week. She sent an invite, cleaned and prepped, they all put on some decent clothes, and my sister told me how nice it was “to get out of the house.” I copied the idea yesterday. Rather than just […]Subscribe!
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