Virtual Learning — Even Less than it’s cracked up to be

A lot of hard work and creativity went into establishing a working virtual education platform back in March, and I appreciate all of the effort made by teachers and administrators around the country. However, I continue to hear phrases like “the excellent education we’ve been able to continue to provide.” New York’s Governor Cuomo wondered […]

Why the Flour Shortage is More Dangerous Than You Think

We are in a worldwide pandemic. This is not a political problem, though many want to make it so. This is not terrorism, though many are getting eerily comfortable in fear. This is a health problem, and yet too often it doesn’t seem we are addressing it from this vantage point. We are among the unhealthiest […]

Hug Your Kids More

Even if you hug your children a lot, hug them more. The lack of social interaction and human touch is going to take a toll. We are a species who survived because of the tribe, and now that our tribe has shrunk dramatically in size, we are missing the endorphins released by connection. A study […]

I Want to Be Alone on Mother’s Day – not why you may think

Every year, I tell my kids I want no presents for Mother’s Day. Without a mother or a mother-in-law, sadly, I have no one to visit, and so, all I usually want is a quiet day with my kids and Larry — maybe a nice brunch and a family movie night. Not this year. This […]

60+ Things to Do While You’re Quarantined

If you told me 3 weeks ago that I’d be staying at home indefinitely with my kids and husband, I’d have thought you were nuts. But things changed quickly and here we are! The best way to keep your stress level low is to keep busy, have some fun and be productive. We know; it’s hard. But take a breath and […]

Take a Virtual Trip to One of These Museums or Parks

Going stir-crazy and need to get out of the house? Take a trip to a museum…a virtual trip, that is: 1. Go on a trip and see the largest creatures that ever walked the earth at the Smithsonian. 2. Climb the spiral staircase at The Guggenheim Museum in New York. 3. See exhibition “Vida Americana: Mexican Muralists at The Whitney. 4. Visit […]

5 Things You Won’t Want to Do to Ease Spring Allergies

Tips for allergy sufferers.

April Fools’ Day Pranks to Play on Your Family

Kids love pranks, and since I dropped the ball with the leprechaun this year, I am going to step up my game for April 1st. But, I like simple, so here are some easy ways to get the best of your kids. 1. Change the password on your Netflix account… …and tell them you forgot to pay the bill […]