Mother’s Day Brunch

Treat mom to brunch–she deserves it! You can keep it simple if you’re not a chef and buy pre-made items from your local grocery or try a few recipes below. Either way, it’s the thought that counts and I will…I mean, she will definitely appreciate it. Haven’t gotten a gift? 20+ Gifts for Mom That Will […]

The Measles Vaccine and Seatbelts

Measles cases are on the rise. This comes as no surprise to me. Parents have chosen to not vaccinate their children, largely because of a since disproved theory that the MMR vaccine caused autism. The world is shrinking and globally contagious illnesses threaten our unvaccinated. I’m not quite sure why so much shade is still […]

What’s for Easter Dinner?

We have everything you need to plan your Easter dinner.

College Prep for Parents

Looking for tips as a parent on how to navigate the whole college process? I found this article in USNews and found it very helpful in taking away some of my anxiety: 8 Strategies for Starting Your College Application Process. Here are 3 great take-aways from the article: 1. It’s never too soon to start visiting college campuses to […]

Best Towns in New Jersey List

New Jersey Family just released a list: “Best Towns for Families 2019.” Surprisingly, our town of Westfield came in number sixty-two! To determine rankings, NJF looked at every municipality in the state with a population of more than 1,500 and measured them against key factors like schools, housing and  others factors that make life easier, like accessibility to hospitals and […]

Pitch Hit and Run Contest at Vets

Don't miss the annual baseball and softball parade!

10 April Fools’ Day Pranks to Play on Your Kids

Kids love pranks, and since I dropped the ball with the leprechaun this year, I am going to step up my game for April 1st. But, I like simple, so here are some easy ways to get the best of your kids. 1. Bed Swap While your kids are sleeping, switch them and put them into […]

Beyond Easter Candy for Baskets

I know the kids LOVE getting candy, but there are other options! Shop at Michaels and fill their baskets with crafts. Or gather cute socks and accessories from your local dollar store or Five Below. If you really want to go all out, surprise them with a new kitten or bunny. Here are a some non-candy Easter […]


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