Adjusting to College

As a freshman in college you will likely feel inundated by your new and unfamiliar surroundings. You will be living in a new room, on a new campus, with new college-level academics, and a new social scene. The first few days, weeks, and even months of college may feel strange and overwhelming—this is completely natural, […]

Choosing a college major: What you need to know

It is estimated that 80% of college students will change their major at least once—the average student will switch a stunning three times before graduating.

Choosing Between the SAT and ACT: 10 Quick Facts

Should your HS Junior take one or the other, or both?

20 Things for Your Back To School “To Do” List

With only days left before it is “back to school” time – Here is what STILL needs to be done: School Supply Shopping Direct the kids to Cliffs Notes to review the book they were  “supposed to” read – or download the movie so they don’t look like complete slackers! Get the car washed AND […]

For Your Entertainment…My 8 Hour Day Proctoring Exams

I’ll cut to the chase. I was given the opportunity to work at a high school for two days to proctor Regents exams. This is generally easy work, decent pay and a good way to wean yourself back into the school year. The school I worked at was very shorthanded and teachers had very little […]

Middle School Anxiety: 5 Tips for Teens

Ridgewood Teen, Sophia Swanson, shares tips from teens entering middle school. by Sophia Swanson 1. Make new friends, and (usually) keep the old. Middle school can be a turning point in many students’ lives, and for good reason.  Not only are you introduced to (literally) hundreds of new kids in one day, but you will notice […]

5 things your teen should know how to do before they leave for college

College is fast approaching and for many teens that means leaving home for the first time.  My daughter included.  As I watch the days go by faster than I would like them to, I am left with so many questions.  Will she wake up for her early classes?  Will she be homesick?  Is the campus […]

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program for Kids!

Thank Heavens Barnes & Noble is right up the block on Old Country Road here in Garden City – and for most of us not too far away!   The Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program is here  encouraging children to read books of their own choosing and earn a FREE book, simply by following these […]


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