College Prep for Parents
Looking for tips as a parent on how to navigate the whole college process? I found this article in USNews and found it very helpful in taking away some of my anxiety: 8 Strategies for Starting Your College Application Process. Here are 3 great take-aways from the article: 1. It’s never too soon to start visiting college campuses to […]Best Towns in New Jersey List
New Jersey Family just released a list: “Best Towns for Families 2019.” Surprisingly, our town of Westfield came in number sixty-two! To determine rankings, NJF looked at every municipality in the state with a population of more than 1,500 and measured them against key factors like schools, housing and others factors that make life easier, like accessibility to hospitals and […]A Summer Camp Your Little Ones Will Love
Our favorite preschool, West Side Nursery School, in town is offering 4 terrific camps for kids this summer. My kids and Karen’s loved these camps when they were young enough to go. If they could, we’re pretty sure they’d try to lie about their age so they could sneak back inmfor a week. We loved that the camps were fun […]5 Ways Art Can Help Your Kids
Check Out These Art Classes for Kids at Visual Arts Center In case you don’t already know, I got my BFA at Pratt in Brooklyn. So maybe I consider art a little more important for kids than some other parents. I love the feeling that making art gives me. And I love sharing that with kids and […]5 Reasons Art is Important for Children
In case you don’t already know, I got my BFA at Pratt in Brooklyn. So maybe I consider art a little more important for kids than some other parents. I love the feeling that making art gives me. And I love sharing that with kids and watching where their creativity takes them. As parents, most of us tend to fill […]Why You Should Say “Yes” to Being on your HSA Board.
I wrote a piece 2 years ago about why I said “yes” when I was asked to be on the HSA board for our elementary school. Knowing that those calls are going out around now to line up next years victims, I mean, candidates, I thought I’d revisit the topic and explain why I said “yes.” […]20+ Fun, Crazy Science Experiments for Kids
Also Read: Our Staff’s Favorite Vacation Getaways Whether you have a Science Fair coming up or you’re just looking for things to do while the kids are “unplugged,” bringing science to life can be fun, mind-broadening…and even delicious (see our chocolate experiments below!) So here are a few of our favorites experiments to do as a family. As you […]Science Project: Ice Cream in a Bag
My daughter did this one in 3rd grade and loved it mostly because she had a delicious treat in the end. It was amazing to see the liquid turn to solid just from shaking it! And it was so cold we had to wear gloves to hold the bag! More Science Projects What You’ll Need: […]Subscribe!
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