Childcare and Education Options From the Ridgewood Y
As a member of the board at the Ridgewood Y, I am proud we are able to offer some options to parents struggling to navigate the next school year. I have been so impressed by the CEO and the staff, and their creative ability to pivot and continue to serve the community. The Ridgewood Y […]6 Tips For Staying Sane during School Shutdowns
Also Read: 5 Good Things About CoronavirusMy kids are “learning from home” for the next two weeks (at least.) This is unprecedented and stressful, but there is no getting around it, so I think we have no other choice but to buckle down and make the most of it. Read: How we can reframe this crisis. […]Explaining the Coronavirus to Kids
The coronavirus is all over the news so there’s a good chance your kids–even little kids–have heard about it. So if they’re having some anxiety about it, check out “Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus” that was created by NPR News. Our school system sent this link out to parents today. It’s a comic strip that helps […]5 Signs Your Child is Ready for Kindergarten
By Sara Sykes, Kindergarten Teacher at Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, a Catholic independent pre-K to grade 12 school in Summit, NJ “Is my child ready for kindergarten?” is one of the top questions I receive from parents as an elementary school teacher. And while there are many factors that go into determining whether […]5 Ways Art Classes Can Expand Your Child’s Mind
Being a visual artist, maybe I am a bit bias and consider art more important for kids than some other parents. Today, it seems that sports seem to take precedence over everything else. I understand the importance of children being active and physically healthy, but someties I think that the arts get the short end of the stick. With art, there are no rules, […]5 Signs Your Child is Ready for Kindergarten
By Sara Sykes, Kindergarten Teacher at Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, a Catholic independent pre-K to grade 12 school in Summit, NJ “Is my child ready for kindergarten?” is one of the top questions I receive from parents as an elementary school teacher. And while there are many factors that go into determining […]New Pre-K Option Coming in 2020
Summit, NJ – Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, a Catholic, independent school in Summit, New Jersey, has announced a new, full-day pre-K program to open in the fall of 2020. The Little Acorns Pre-K @ Oak Knoll will engage students to spark their creativity and critical thinking, while fostering spiritual development, independence and self-esteem. “In the tradition of Holy Child […]Thinking About an All-Girls Private School? Check This Out.
Is an all-girls upper school right for your child? Here’s your chance to explore the idea and learn more about an all-girls school experience. Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child is having their Upper School Open House on Saturday, October 19, 2019 and Saturday, November 16 at their beautiful 11-acre campus in Summit, New Jersey. During the open house, parents and students […]Subscribe!
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