Campagne House in Bethpage

If you are wondering where all your neighbors are on Friday night, chances are you’ll find them at the newest watering hole in town.  This new hot spot is all the rage for Bethpage.  Go there for lunch or dinner and check out their all too tempting dishes.  Their mouth watering share menu makes it easy to enjoy a night with drinks and apps.  On a nice night, be sure to ask for their outdoor seating!

My 3 Favorites at Campagne House

1. The Sangria
Campagne House adds an awesome twist to their Sangria.  This delicious cocktail was the perfect way to start my meal.

2. Old Chesapeake Crab Bites
Like crab cakes?  These are bite sized versions with an awesome addition of avocado tartar sauce.

3. Fire Grilled Salmon
Salmon is one of my favorite things to order and this one comes with a divine risotto bursting with flavor in every bite.

Campagne House, 339 Broadway, Bethpage, New York, NY 11714

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Author: Jennifer Koliatsis

Jennifer is a middle school English teacher. She lives in Bethpage with her husband and two teenagers. To her, a great night out is anywhere with great people, whether that's at home, a new restaurant, or even a PTA meeting.