Bridal Party Fun!













Recently I went to a Bridal Shower for my sweetheart’s sister – Everything was absolutely perfect – the venue, the decor, the mimosas and the games! There is one game that I feel like I have to share because it was particularly entertaining. Each table of say six ladies, were given the following items


  • Two GIGANTIC packages of Rice Krispie Treats
  • Frosting
  • miniature marshmallows,
  • Pink Sprinkles
  • A tube of icing to write/decorate with

Each “Team” had thirty minutes to create the perfect wedding cake for the Future Bride and Groom. This is when the fun really started. Not everyone knew each other at their tables – well some did, some did not. The amount of competition between tables was fierce, and the amount of talent displayed was commendable. Everyone worked together and the end results were quite impressive. Of course, my table thought we should be the “winners” of the competition – but the future groom arrived and voted for another. Oh well, you can’t win em all – but we sure had fun trying!

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Author: Thea Ferzola