Book Review: Good Morning, Midnight

By Lily Brooks-Dalton
Year: 2016
Purchase: Buy Now!

As a reader, I am drawn to the shiny objects called ‘new releases’ and ‘best sellers.’ Each Tuesday, the day all new books are released, hundreds upon hundreds of new titles enter the world. So at least once a week, I will add a number of books to my ever-growing and ridiculously unrealistic to-be-read list. For this reason, there are dozens of books that I want to but never read because new books are constantly cutting ahead of older titles in line.

Thanks though to a recommendation from one of my favorite podcasters (Knox McCoy of The Popcast), Good Morning, Midnight, a 2016 release, got bumped to the top of my to-be-read list a few weeks ago. Good Morning, Midnight is a quiet, post apocalyptic story. As the book opens, we meet Augustine, a scientist in the Arctic Circle. His teammates evacuated the site after the rest of the world is impacted by a never named disaster. It is only after the rest of his team leaves that Augustine realizes a little girl, Iris, has been left behind with him. Then abruptly, the following chapter takes us into outer space. Sully and the crew of the Aether spacecraft is traveling back to Earth after successfully voyaging to and studying the planet Jupiter.

The remainder of Good Morning, Midnight alternates between these two different but overlapping landscapes. There is exploration, confusion and intense loneliness in both perspectives and over time the stories do, in a very small way, begin to overlap. I love books like Good Morning, Midnight which are at once deeply thought provoking but also a bit page turner-y. And yes, I believe page turner-y can be a word. Enjoy!

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