Black Bear Who Can’t Bear His Cupcake Craving Loose in NJ
Don’t believe that sugar is an addiction? This should prove you wring. A hungry, sugar-deprived black bear in Rockaway Township couldn’t fight his sugar craving. When he spotted 2 dozen irresistible cupcakes sitting on the seat of a car in a parking lot, the craving overtook him and he broke through the glass window. All 24 were devoured. Only thing left behind was as a smeared frosting paw print.
Listen, we get it, you can’t bare to live without sweets. Sugar craving are something fierce! SO let’s not shame him for his addiction. Once you start feeding the addiction, any one of us could turn into a window-smashing beast stopping at nothing to get our fix. His actions were a scream for help! Poor thing, needs to take some tips from Fitness Editor, Tammy Juco on How to Fight a Sugar Addiction.
Read more about the Cupcake Craving Bear
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