
Patricia Cassin

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IT’S ALL FREE – and it’s open this weekend!

The City of Summit is announcing the return of its extremely popular Summit Free Market event for two consecutive Saturdays October 15 and 22, from 8:00AM to 3:00PM at the City of Summit Transfer Station, 40 New Providence Avenue in Summit. The Summit Free Market Committee is a student-run initiative that hosts seasonal events at […]

“Green Goats” help Celebrate Fall at the Arboretum

CELEBRATE FALL Sunday, October 23  •   11:00am to 4:00pm Celebrate the bounty of Fall – golden autumn colors, crisp weather, yummy harvest fare – with family and friends, and goats, at Reeves-Reed Arboretum’s (RRA) eagerly anticipated annual fall festival, CELEBRATE FALL, Sunday, October 23, from 11:00am- 4:00pm The overarching theme for CELEBRATE FALL this […]

Summit Commuters: Uber for same cost as daily parking!

Uber Ridesharing Program for Resident Commuters!   This pilot runs from October 3, 2016 through March 31, 2017 with door-to-door service to the Summit train station in an UberX vehicle for the same cost of daily parking fee*. Registration will initially be limited to 100 resident commuters, though the program may be expanded if it’s proven […]


Girls Night Out for You and Your Friends That Helps Empower Women!   Need a dress for a special occasion or maybe the perfect pair of jeans for the tailgate? Summit women know you can find both – and great styling advice – at Willow St. This Friday, Willow St. gives back to the community when […]

In Summit it’s “Heads Up, Phones Down”

Summit is a walkable community with a vibrant downtown complete with shops, restaurants, businesses, parks, and a busy train station.  It’s a great family town and a wonderful place to live. But did you know that between 2013 and 2015, there were 34 pedestrian-related crashes in Summit?  And of those crashes, 85% resulted in a […]

Not Your Mother’s Meat and Potatoes

This delicious recipe is not your mother’s “Meat and Potatoes.”  Its a clean, fresh take on the all American dinner, with mashed cauliflower (don’t knock it ’till you tried it) taking the place of potatoes.  The...

Hilltoppers Frustrated over Bridge Construction Shut Down

The opening of Summit schools brings plenty of anticipation and excitement, and perhaps a little anxiety.  Anxiety not only about the upcoming academic year, but about the traffic snarls caused by the shut down of the Morris Avenue Bridge.  The bridge connects the two sides of the city and is one of the main roadways […]

Summit’s Best Kept Secret? Dreamcatcher Repertory Theatre

What is Summit's best kept secret?

Summit’s Sizzlin’ Summer Sidewalk Sale!

It’s been hot and muggy in Summit these past few weeks, but the forecast for August 25th to the 27th is Sizzling!  That’s when a host of Summit’s independent, downtown merchants will once again hold their annual  ‘Sizzlin’ Summer Sidewalk Sale’ in the heart of downtown Summit.  More than 30 local merchants are expected to […]

7th Graders: Register for your FREE YMCA Membership!

Are you starting 7th Grade this year and live in Summit?  Well, the Summit YMCA has a very good deal for you! The Summit Area YMCA offers free memberships to all local seventh graders in their service area. The YMCA believes 7th Grade is a pivotal and transitional time for many teens. By offering free […]


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