
Karen Latimer

Dr. Latimer is a Family Physician and Wellness & Parenting Coach. She works with parents who want to feel more confident when helping their children and coaches young adults to help them better navigate college life and transitions. Contact her at to learn more. She is the author of two Audible Originals, Take Back the House -- Raising Happy Parents and Worry Less, Parent Better. She is also the co-founder of the app that makes your life easier and puts social in a healthier place -- List'm.

Posts By This Author

Don’t Miss: Maroons Soccer Evaluations (Different This Year)

Also Read: Should Kids Play Specialize in Only One Sport?If you have a son or a daughter who is a member of the club or who wants to give club soccer a try, please read on from the MAROONS SOCCER CLUB. This year things will be done a little differently. 2021/2022 Player Evaluation & Team Formation Process NEW TEAM FORMATION […]

Fight the Post-Lunch Fatigue

Today, I ate lunch, and then sat down outside to do some work. With the sun shining strong for the first time in a while, I looked up, closed my eyes to soak in some vitamin D, and promptly fell asleep. What the heck? I’m not narcoleptic. I’m not hung over. I don’t have a newborn […]

Podcast: The Ridgewood Y’s CEO Ernie Lamour

The Ridgewood Y has done amazing things for our community during the past year, while itself struggling from the pandemic and the shutdown. Its CEO, Ernie Lamour, is inspiring in his positivity and commitment to service, and he has been a strong leader in a time of turmoil for so many. Listen to his story, […]

5K for Hunger — Join Us, It is So Easy

The students in the Fitness Club at Ridgewood High School, in partnership with Y Wellness and Teen Leads, are hosting a 5K next week. It is virtual, which doesn’t mean you can watch someone else do it. It means you can complete your 5K on your own time and at your own pace. To register, […]

Will My Children Get the Vaccine?

I’ve been asked many times recently if I will let my children get the vaccine. The answer is yes. The better question is, do I think my children need the vaccine? The answer to that, given the data and the evidence, is no. I will take my kids for the vaccine when I have to, […]

Should School Start Later? Take a Listen

For years, evidence has been mounting to support a later school start time for adolescents. Dr. Anne Robinson, through her group, Smart Balance, has been spearheading a campaign for the Ridgewood, NJ school system to follow the science, demonstrate a real commitment to student wellbeing and push back the first bell. I interviewed Dr. Robinson […]

Lucas Wolfe: My (Not So) Perfect Life

Along with some other health care professionals and concerned citizens, I am working on a new Mental Wellness Initiative for the Ridgewood Y. The Y’s service area is huge, so not only are we designing this to reach far beyond the boundaries of one town, the information is applicable to all of us. Understandably, so […]

The Masked-Up Stare

Have you noticed the way people look at you when they are wearing a mask? It’s just one more example of how mask wearing changes social mores. I wrote back in early 2020 how wearing a mask was akin to road rage, essentially acting as a barrier between you and whomever you felt like yelling at. […]

Smokers Getting Vaccine First is Making People Angry

Also Read: How to Treat Covid at Home There is an understandable amount of consternation about decisions regarding the vaccine rollout. You can read all about them on social media. We can all agree smoking is a bad habit, and at least when someone starts smoking, it is a choice. Why are people who have […]

Vitamin D — What You Need to Know

I often test my patients’ vitamin D levels. Symptoms that prompt me to order it are fatigue, muscle aches and weakness, bone pain, and mood changes. While these complaints are non-specific, a simple blood test is easy enough to order, and if vitamin D deficiency is a contributor, it is easily corrected. We get vitamin D […]