
Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.

Posts By This Author

Holidays — I’m not ready and it’s not MY fault

There are a few people I blame for my stress. Want to know who's fault it is?

Need to Get Their Heads Checked?

Can We Get Rid of Lice…Quickly?! According to lice expert, Lena Gorelik of Lice Free Noggins, “Unfortunately, no. There are no shortcuts to treating head lice. Buy a professional grade nit comb and comb hair meticulously. And a conscientious follow-up is a must.You have to comb meticulously using a professional stainless steel nit comb and a non-toxic, pesticide-free product. If you choose to go […]

Vaping 101

Why, oh why, does there always have to be something new to worry about?!? What the hell is vaping and why does it seem everyone is doing it? It all started with the introduction of e-cigarettes in 2007. Now, there are several different types of vaping devices, including MODS or advanced personal vaporizers and vape pens. […]

Preschool … a.k.a. Petri dish

Should you send a snotty preschooler into the classroom? When should you keep him home? Read more here.

Should You Change Your Style in Your Forties?

Some tips for looking great into the next decade.

Hey Dads, Here’s a Tip for Better Sex.

I volunteered to be class parent–which everyone calls “class mom” even though it is a gender non-specific position. The coordinators kindly sent me a list of the kids in my daughter’s class with emails in an excel spreadsheet, which is hugely helpful. The school has access to father’s emails as well as moms, but only mothers are […]

Why My Husband is a Better Dance Mom than Me

This past weekend was my daughter’s dance recital. She was in three out of four shows, and some kids were in all four, performing in as many as ten numbers. That’s a lot of dancing. Confession: I am the world’s worst dance mom. It takes me by surprise every year, and inevitably I find myself racing to the […]

When Should Puberty Start for Boys?

What is the average age of puberty onset in boys? On average, boys start between 12 and 16, though recent studies have shown boys are starting puberty as early as 9 and 10. What does the beginning of puberty look like for a boy? Sparse pubic hair and growth of the testicles are early signs […]

35 Things Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

In no particular order, here is what mothers say they really want for Mother’s Day. 1. I want a day in my own house – alone. 2. A clean house. Just for a day…a house where things stay where I put them. 3. I want someone to plan my kids’ summer camps and schedules, set it […]

What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

Real moms get really honest!