
Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.

Posts By This Author

Babies and Your Boobs — What the hell happened?

A baby changes everything ... no sh%*! A bunch of pregnancies, a bunch of kids and a pop, I felt like a balloon partially deflated. Until, I went and saw a breast specialist ... at the mall.

Summer is the time for …

I am such a better mother in the summer. My yelling and screaming is directly proportional to the business of our schedules. No schedule, no stress, no screaming. I challenge you to plan a no-schedule summer -- you won't regret it.

Candied Carrots

These are less of a vegetable and more of a treat.

Get Them to Eat Vegetables

Are you a terrible parent because your child turns his nose up at vegetables? YES. Just kidding, don't worry. You are a great parent but here are some simple tricks to get in the green stuff.

These Days, Who Needs a Memory?

Most of these pictures will be lost in cyberspace, obsolete hard drives and lost handhelds. Why can't we just enjoy the moment? What is with the obsession of capturing our children's lives on film?

Don’t Assume They Know

They teach this stuff in school right? Don't be so sure. Help your kids develop a love for country in a society that is so quick to forget.

Hey Parents … Take a Timeout

Why is it the sidelines sometimes turn into crazy town? We've got to remember the most important part of Kids' Sports is the Kids!

Stop Yelling at Your Technology and Start Taking Advantage of It

Does technology overwhelm you? Me too. But, if you just take a deep breath, you'll find you can make it work for you.

Can You Teach Organization?

Organization is a key life skill. If you are inherently a disorganized mess -- like me -- can you teach your kids to reduce their chaos?

Busy is NOT an Excuse — Take Care of Yourself Now

When you live healthier, you feel better, your thoughts are clearer, you scream less and everyone likes you more. You may not have time for leisurely walks, spa days and the great American novel, but you do have time for these:


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