
Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.

Posts By This Author

My Favorite Wine Quotes + a few more

Ten funny quotes to make you enjoy your wine even more -- and you didn't think that was possible!

The Best Way to Get Out Red Wine

Red wine does not have to be an enemy to your wardrobe anymore!

White Wines for the Winter

Winter whites are not just for your wardrobe.

What Kids Really Think of Their Moms

If you wish you could be a better mom, watch this video.

NATIONAL: NJ Governer Chris Cristie Elected to Second Term

Christie's win in NJ sparks speculation about the 2016 presidential election.

WORLD: Toronto Mayor Refusing to Resign for Smoking Crack

Canadian Mayor smoked crack and wants to stay in office.

POP: David Arquette Having a Baby

David Arquette's girlfriend expecting her first child, his second.

Ten Reasons it was Easier to be a Parent in the 1980s

I don't want to go back and be a kid in the 80s. I want to go back and be a parent in the 80s.

The Most Popular Baby Names in 1980 and Now

I am very much done with naming babies, but I still like to see what other people are choosing. It is kind of like I am done with dating, but I still like to watch movies with Ryan Reynolds.

10 Other Uses for Hairspray

You have it for your hair, but you can use it for so many other things!