
Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.

Posts By This Author

The Summer is NOT Almost Over

Right about this time, a collective sigh seems to go out to the universe. "The summer is almost over." I disagree. Come join my happy train. It still has a few more stops!

Depression — How to Spot It

As the world says goodbye to a beloved comedic actor, many people are left wondering if they should have seen it coming.

Why Breast Feeding is a Team Sport – from an expert

It is World Breastfeeding Awareness week! We asked the experts for tips on how to make things a little easier on mom.

Can You Predict Your Child’s Height?

We don't have a crystal ball, yet we can make an educated guess about the adult height kids will reach.

Walking With Dinosaurs

Don't miss this great show at an even better price.

Why Middle School Can Ruin Your Marriage

The kids are older and more self sufficient. That means more adult free time, right? Wrong.

Breakfast May Not Be the Most Important Meal After All

A recent study challenges the belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially when you are trying to lose weight.

Yoga Studio on the Go

If you've never tried yoga or if you are a seasoned yogi, take a look at this app.

The Perfect Cure to an Indulgent Weekend

Did you overdo it this weekend? Here's the perfect nutritional solution.

How Much Caffeine are You Drinking?

Are you addicted to your latte? You might be taking in more caffeine each day than you should.