Karen Latimer
Posts By This Author
Protect Your Back this December
There's no time to be laid up with a bad back this time of year.
Feel Better This Holiday Season
SLEEP!! I know it sounds impossible, but these will help. – Make your Bed more Comfortable. – To Sleep or Not to Sleep EAT BETTER!! – Healthy Family Grocery List – On the Go Healthy Snacks STRESS LESS!! – De-clutter and Stress Less – Some Tips to Actually ENJOY your Holiday Season And, if that […]Gratitude and Giving Start Locally
Are your kids bringing in food for their school's food drive? Mine too. I took them to our local food pantry so they could learn about the demand for supplies, not only at Thanksgiving, but throughout the whole year.
Why Women Don’t Want to Have Sex
Where has your sexual desire gone? So many women suffer from lack of sexual desire. Why? What can you do about it?
VIDEO: Fight the Flu with Food
Fight the flu and other viruses with a trip to the food store. No, I don't always get this dressed up to do the food shopping!!
What Do You Think of the Nurse in Maine?
I think it is very clear this is less a matter of human rights, and more a matter of someone trying to milk her 15 minutes of fame.
Halloween is a Dangerous Day! Some quick safety tips …
October 31st is one of the most fun, most dangerous, days for kids. Protect them by spending a couple minutes watching this video.
Drink Hot Chocolate, Remember More??
Do you feel like you are starting to lose your memory?? Me too! A recent study out of Columbia demonstrates the flavanols found in cocoa beans can help, but don't invest in Hershey just yet.
Commercial Shows How We Keep Our Daughters Down
Does your daughter hate science? Maybe it is your fault! Take a look.
Turns Out: Rapid Weight Loss Maybe Ain’t So Bad
A study published in The Lancet last week states, "Weight Loss: slow and steady does not win the race." What does that mean for us?