Alternate Leg Lift with Oblique Twist

Do this 15-20 reps two or three times a week for stronger abs. Could see results as soon as possible.  You know I am dropping to the floor to get this done, especially after April vacation break!

1. Lie on back with legs straight and raised a 90 degree angle. Place hands behind head, lift shoulder blades, and inhale.

2. Keeping right leg in position noted above, exhale and slowly lower left leg until it almost touches the floor.

3. Squeeze abs, pulling naval in toward spine; twist torso to the right until left elbow meets right knee (even though legs are straight). Inhale and return to start. Repeat move to opposite side. This all counts as one rep.


Found this one in Health Magazine  (Jan/Feb 2012) –

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Author: megandunphey