Abdominal Crunch on Ball

Using an exercise or physio ball is a great way to spice up your regular core routine. The instability of the ball adds a component of balance and calls upon the stabilizing muscles to work harder while doing the exercises. Sit on the ball and walk your feet out until the ball is under your lower back/hip area. Keep your feet flat on the ground; head supported by your hands; elbows wide. Instead of curling your upper torso off the ball (like you would a regular crunch on the floor) consider lifting your whole torso away from the ball. (Body is straight from head to hips – no curl). Exhale as you lift up and inhale as you return to the ball. The ball allows you to pre-stretch the abdominal fibers depending on how far back you lie on the ball. Do 15- 25 reps.

Modifications: Make it Easier: Keep the feet wide and drop the hips further down on the ball so more of your back is supported. Make it Harder: Hold a weight or medicine ball while crunching; bring your feet closer together and closer to the ball or support yourself on one foot only (this will decrease your stability); cross your arms over your chest or extend both arms straight over head; place both feet on a wall at ball height to support yourself (be careful and stay in control).

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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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