A Nighttime Walk in the Cemetery…with Kids.
October 28 • 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00 pm rain or shine
Nothing says Halloween like a nighttime walk in the cemetery! Take the kids on an evening Cemetery Walk with town historian Joe Suplicki. Sponsored by the Schoolhouse Museum, members of the Ridgewood Historical Society will lead a lantern- lit stroll through Valleau Cemetery where 19th and 20th century soldiers and civilians come to life and tell their stories.
Back at the museum the party continues with music, Halloween stories, and cider and donuts from Demarest Farm. Best suited to families with children ages 7-13. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Bring a flashlight…who knows what could be lurking in the shadows! With reservations: $10/adult, $5/child or $20/family. At the door: $15 per adult, $5 per child or $25 per family. Space is limited so reserve early.
To contact the Museum call 201-447 3242 or email at: ridgewoodhistoricalsociety@verizon.net