A Must Have App

Are you tired of trying to remember all your passwords? I used to be able to have one or two so I couldn’t screw it up. Now they make you change them every six months and you have to have a capital letter, at least six letters and a symbol. Who can remember all of that?! This app saved me and makes my life so much easier. Everyone has to download it, plus it is free. The lockbox app will save you when you are trying to remember your password to see your kids grades. I have had to reference it many times. You enter one four digit passcode which unlocks it, then you can get to all your other passwords, pins or bank account numbers. Anything you would like to have access to that no one else can, even if you lose your phone. This would be on Oprah’s list if she was still on tv.

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Author: amynidds

Amy loves to help you find the best deals out there or something she thinks you just have to have! Content and Finds Editor


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