A Key to Successful Health Habits – Do You Have it?

I get asked all the time – Is there a faster way to see improvements/lose weight/ slim down/ get stronger/ get results? Let’s just say if there was a safe and effective miracle pill, diet, exercise etc, etc – we wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic on our hands and the fitness and health care industries would be redundant. Of course, there are many factors and behaviors that will increase your success rate: Setting SMART goals, having the resources and time to carry out your plan, gym memberships, classes or instructors you enjoy, education and knowledge and so on. But sometimes, even with all this, many people are still unsuccessful. One key factor in determining success is the amount of SUPPORT a person has. Support for your goals can only come in the form of the various relationships in your life. By sharing your health and fitness goals with others you are publicly committing to them, which will further increase your likelihood of success. People are less willing to give up on something if others are aware they are trying to achieve it. Also, the people who are “in the know” can be a huge source of motivation, and support for you during your journey. They can celebrate your wins and encourage and lift you up when you run into speed bumps or setbacks. Some people like to share their business with the entire world while others would prefer not to tell anyone anything. If you happen to be of the latter group, try and find at least one person you trust and are comfortable with. Below are suggestions of the various relationships you can consider becoming your cheer squad and support network.

–       The most obvious would be friends, your spouse or family. These people see you the most which can benefit you by being sources of constant encouragement. A spouse can watch the kids while you workout or a friend can text you a daily reminder or motivator, family members can become more active with you or help create healthier meals.

– You may feel more comfortable sharing your journey with a “fitness friend”, the “gym gang” or “sweat sisters” those in a similar situation or similar goals. These types of relationships work very well as you can actually work together on your goals and you may feel that this category of people may have a better understanding of what you’re going through.

– Perhaps you’re a very private person and don’t want anyone you see on a daily basis knowing the intimate details of your progress. This is where a great relationship with a Personal Trainer, Physical therapist, fitness instructor or other health care provider could prove beneficial. Along with their vast fitness and health knowledge – THEIR goals are to assist, motivate and guide others in achieving healthier lifestyles.

– If you don’t have access to professional support, there are also many fitness apps out there that allow you to share your goals and progress. You can gain the online/app community support but not ever have to personally meet these people, which allows you some anonymity. I have personally used mapmyfitness.com for years and also nikeplus.com, but there are many, many others to try. Here are just a few.

Whichever relationship(s) you choose to use, you will find once you commit externally to your goals, you’ll also get much more outside motivation and support which will keep you going even when your internal motivation gives out. Calling on the various relationships in your life to back you is a key factor for your continued success.


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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.