A demented dentist, a greedy boss, a battered love interest…and a ferocious flower.

Stony Hill Players Summit“LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS”  •  January 27-29 and February 3-4
Get ready for murderous mayhem from the famous ferocious flower of the Little Shop of Horrors!  The funny and the frightening come together for this musical favorite.

The smash musical, “Little Shop of Horrors” has delighted theatregoers for more than 30 years. When floral assistant Seymour discovers a mutant breed of plant, the foul-mouthed carnivorous flower promises him fame, and a plan to win his true love.  All Seymour has to do is keep feeding it… blood!  For more information, including how to purchase tickets, visit stonyhillplayers.org.

Stony Hill Players at The Oakes Center, 120 Morris Avenue, Summit.


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Author: Patricia Cassin


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