Back to School Blues: Early Mornings & Piles of Papers

By Shannon Albarelli, Psy.D.

The mornings are getting colder, the smells are crisper, and the frenzy of thoughts surrounding school preparation is beginning.  For some, the structure of the school year is welcomed with open arms. For others, all they can think about is the early morning wake-ups, the paperwork, the homework, and the whole rigmarole. It’s not just the kids that get the back to school blues!!

Summer has a calmer and more spacious vibe than fall. Summer is about unwinding and fall is about winding up again. If you find yourself dreading the school’s first bell, you are not alone. Just remember that like the seasons, we internally change as well, and it is in the change that growth happens.

When you feel your stress, notice it in your body and let it wash through you instead of trying to avoid the feelings. Recognize that flowing with the stream of life and seasons is better than going against the current. One of my favorite quotes from Ram Dass is “You can do it like it’s a great weight on you, or you can do it like it’s a part of the dance.” Follow this wisdom and you will be heading into a great new school year!!

Take the next few weeks to think about how to organize your life and time in a more efficient and effective way. Make a list of priorities for yourself and your family this fall. My list has already started and includes things like: taking each one of my boys to breakfast alone each week.

I want to make a point to get out in the air with the boys and hike on weekends.









Read more of Shannon’s posts about how to live a balanced, joyful life! Besides writing about what’s on her mind, she available to help you talk about what is on yours. She practices is Summit and can be reached at or visit her website  Or try one of her classes at The Bar Method where she leads group meditations designed to bring peace, clarity, creativity and kindness to those who participate.
Shannon Albarelli, Psy.D., 57 Union Pl , Suite 212, Summit, NJ 07901. 973 544-8067.

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