What’s Your ‘Mom’ Salary?

You’re a stay-at-home mom, and probably aren’t earning a paycheck for all of your hard work. LearnVest Moms, a website dedicated to financial planning and moms, developed a calculator that will determine the value of all the parenting work you’re doing. Just input all the duties you do in your role as Mommy into LearnVest’s Mom Salary Calculator.

The calculator will then determine how much you would be paid if you were a mom for hire. The calculations are based on the national average salary for each of the professions you perform, but you can change the base salary if you know that it is different in your city or region. As you input each number, you can watch your “mom salary” automatically increase.

The work you do in taking care of your child is worth something. While it has a lot of non-financial value, it does also save you from paying someone else to do them. If someone were to pay you for all the services you provide your child, how much would your salary be?

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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.


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