Step Ups
This lower body exercise can be done at home, the gym or the playground. It works the hamstrings, quads and really targets the gluteals. Another incentive to do this exercise, is it is a unilateral movement. A unilateral movement is working one side of the body at a time, which also helps to increase a sense of balance and decrease muscle imbalances concerning the legs. Use a sturdy chair, bench, 2 steps or similar durable item at about knee height. Place one (whole) foot on top (no heels hanging off!) and step up fully extending the working leg without locking out the knee. Slowly lower the free leg back to the starting position and repeat 15-20 times then switch sides.
Notes: Keep your body tall; chest out; shoulders back and head up. Try not to lunge forward and use the upper body to pull you up – let the leg muscles do all the work, keeping your weight in the back of the foot on the bench. Exhale as you step up; inhale as you return to the start position. Always keep the abs engaged and control the movement (no falling back onto that free foot).
Modifications: As the exercise becomes easy, hold weights in your hands, do more reps, or slow down the movement to a 2, 4, or even 8 count movement up and then down.