7 Tips for the Gift-Giving Season
Our staff sat down and put some ideas together to help take the stress out of the
gift-giving and buying season for your family and to keep you organized!
1. Make a Budget.
If you don’t, you’ll probably overspend…and have remorse come January!
2. Have Your Kids Limit Their Gifts to 2-3 Ideas.
It helps reinforce what the holiday is really about.
3. Keep a Spreadsheet.
Keep a spreadsheet on your password-safe computer. It will help you keep track of what you’ve gotten;
what you still need to buy; and keep you from over-buying!
4. Use Points.
You’ve probably accumulated points on your credit card that you can use
towards gifts or gift cards. Using them during the holiday can help ease the burden of spending.
5. Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute.
Give yourself time to shop around for the best deal. Waiting until the last minute might
mean items are sold-out or could result in higher shipping fees.
6. Don’t Forget to Use Coupons
Have them ready on your phone before you head to the mall.
7. Use different wrapping paper
for each person.
When it’s time to wrap, use a different paper for each family member. Thus way, if tags don’t fall off,
nothing gets missed or confused.
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