55 Ways To Take Care of Yourself When You’re Too Busy

women, yogo, are you at risk for a heart attack, heart,Here are some suggestions from life coach Marthe Hagen, author of the ebook Feeling Good when Life is Hard. A list of 55 gentle ways you can take care of yourself when you’re pressed for time and attention. For the more detailed description of each, check out her website The Freedom Project. Some or many of these suggestions may resonate with you.


  1. Say no to anything that is not important to you
  2. Ask for help
  3. Get enough sleep
  4. Drink tea
  5. Listen to your favorite music
  6. Eat healthy and green food
  7. Take 5 minutes in the morning to just stretch and breathe
  8. Walk everywhere
  9. Take 5-minute mini-breaks every hour
  10. Break your self-care habits into smaller tasks and do one each day
  11. Make a plan of everything that needs to be done
  12. Make sure you keep in touch with your friends
  13. Make room for rest
  14. Surround yourself with inspiring photos
  15. Write a daily gratitude list
  16. Spend your lunchtime as sacred you-time
  17. Write a worry-list
  18. Take a run or a long walk
  19. Keep a planner and schedule no-appointments time
  20. Keep track of your achievements
  21. Wear your pretty clothes
  22. Go to a yoga class
  23. Take a hot bath
  24. Light candles
  25. Write support-thoughts and affirmations
  26. Craft an emotional emergency plan
  27. Breathe
  28. Do something silly
  29. Single-task
  30. Read Focus by Leo Babauta
  31. Take the last evening off
  32. Keep a tidy workspace
  33. Create some routines
  34. Write things down
  35. Accept a little clutter and mess
  36. Allow your emotions to come to the surface
  37. Honor your limits
  38. Take the weekends completely off
  39. Gather your support group
  40. Outsource what you can, for example your home cleaning, laundry or bookkeeping.
  41. Delegate
  42. Get more sunlight
  43. Take your vitamins
  44. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables
  45. Use scented oils in the shower
  46. Resist the urge to be productive all the time
  47. Limit your media consumption
  48. Meditate in the morning
  49. Block out distractions
  50. Compliment yourself
  51. Do the dreaded tasks first
  52. Brighten your day with colorful pencils and pretty stationery
  53. Reward yourself
  54. Postpone all major decisions
  55. Accept yourself as you are


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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.


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