30+ Things to Do on a Rainy Weekend
Ok, so it’s not the weekend you were hoping for. You had visions of digging your toes in the sand and sipping on a cold beverage while baking in the sun. Or of a backyard barbecue with friends. But here we are…cooped up inside on an unseasonably cold, rainy day. You’re bored and so are your kids. But fear not–the weekend is not ruined. Our staff revisited some of our snowy day and quarantined posts and came up with a list of fun indoor activities. The weekend is not awash!
1. Plan Your Next Family Vacation.
Close yuor eyes and picture a beach…without rain. Sit down with your family and start thinking about your next family vacation to somewhere warm or dreamy. Here are few of our favorite vacation destination ideas: Puerto Rico, Turks & Caicos, Las Vegas & the Grand Canyon, Our Favorite Family Resorts, London, Ponce, PR, Fairytale Castles, Amtrak Adventures
2. Have a Dance Party
Blare your favorite tunes and get out some energy with a dance party. Form teams, have a dance competition, and make one person the judge.
3. Try a New Cocktail. Put down the wine glass and head to the store for ingredients to try one of our 25+ Favorite Ridiculously Refreshing Cocktails this evening. And don’t forget to make a few “mocktails” (alcohol-free cocktails) for the kids.
4. Build a fort.
Get creative with blankets, sheets and pillows and string some Christmas lights to make it extra special! Need ideas?Here are some tips. Santa brought this cool fort making kit for the boys, and it has provided hours of entertainment and creativity.
5. Curl Up and Have a Movie Marathon.
Pop some popcorn and curl up with an afternoon movie or two. Or binge-watch a series. You could even do it in the fort you just made! (Shut off all cell phones please.)
6. Make Some Fun Appetizers to Snack On. A day inside is more fun when you have something yummy to munch on. Try one of our 35+ Mouthwatering Appetizers & Snacks.
7. Send Them on a Scavenger Hunt.
Feel free to include some things you’ve been looking for–like all those missing socks! Whoever kinds the most socks gets a prize! It’s is also a great way to have them find their uniforms for the weekend now.
8. Treat the Whole Family to a Spa Day.
We all deserve–and need–a little pampering right now! Set the mood for your afternoon spa day: get in your coziest pjs, light some candles, and play soft music. Make a facial mask or homemade face scrubs. Then, everyone deserves a long soak in the tub. Next paint each other’s fingers and toes. Finish with a shoulder rub.2. Play hide and seek. It is still surprisingly fun, even at my age. Find a really good spot and you can take a nap.
9. Break out all your old board games. These days, we are into Rummicube, Robot Faces, and Clue. Play a family game of Monopoly–it’ll probably last the whole weekend!
10. Teach your child a card game. Gin Rummy is our go to. Or keep their minds busy with some great riddles.
11. Ride a Roller Coaster
Need a thrill? Experience a roller coaster ride right in your living room. From Steel Vengeance at Cedar Point, tallest hybrid roller coaster at 205 feet tall, steepest drop on a hybrid roller coaster at 90 degrees…to Space Mountain at Disney World…or ride upside down on the Manta Flying Roller Coaster at SeaWorld Orlando in Florida.
12. Have a pillow fight and then….
13. Indulge in a Family Nap.
When do you ever nap in the middle of the day? Chances are, you never get enough sleep (find out here how much you need). Catch up on your sleep and encourage your kids to do the same. Even if they say they’re not tired, I bet if they lay in a cozy bed reading, they’ll end up asleep.
14. Sing Your Heart Out: Karaoke.
Get silly. If you don’t have the machine, or the video game, try this app. A snow day is a great time to let your kids see your crazy side — by that I mean your college crazy side and not your Jack Nicholson from the Shining crazy side.
15. Get Cooking…
Play a game of Chopped like the show.If you’ve never seen it, watch one episode On Demand (Food Network) first. You choose their ingredients, put them in a basket and watch your kids get creative. Of course, you’re the judge.
16. Or Start Baking. Busy weeknight leave little time for baking something special. Put on an apron, pull out that mixer and get the kids to help make something decadent for dessert like this Molten Chocolate Cake with Fresh Berries, Luscious Lemon Bars or a Healthier Montana Monster Cookie. This crazy, gooey concoction, the Chocolate Chip Cookie & Orio Fudge Brownie Bar, is STILL my kids’ favorite.
17. Do a puzzle. Pull out those dusty puzzles, set up a card table and have the puzzle going throughout the weekend.
18. Get Your Energy Flowing with an Online Exercise Class!
Take an online exercise class like HasFit or Fitness Blender! Have the kids join in. Or try our Crunchless Workout with Tammy to work out your core!
19. Play Indoor Volleyball!
Blow up a few balloons and pratice your spike ball.
20. Make a Music Video.
Give in to your kids and make a Tik Tok video; you’re guaranteed to crack yourseld up. Or try musical.ly, an app where you can lipsync and make music videos. Pick your favorite song; I bet if you try it, you’ll love it too!
That’s me!
21. Play Video Games…with Your Kids.
When do I EVER say “yes” to video games?!? Take 30 minutes and play something with the kids: Wii Party, sweat to Just Dance, get trapped in a bubble in Mario, NBA 2K. They’ll be in heaven and it’s a fun stress-reliever for you.
22. Play Two Truths and a Lie
This is a great way for you all to learn something new about eachother. Each person tells 2 true facts and 1 lie to the group. The group has to figure out which statement is the lie. For example, “When I was in college, to make extra money, 1) I babysat, 2) worked in McDonalds or 3) worked at Yankee Staidum. Which is the lie?”
23. Go Through Old Photos.
Take a walk down memory lane looking at old photos–the paper ones- and home videos. Create a digital album or even a traditional one on Shutterfly. Ask older kids to scan old family prints into your computer before they have aged beyond repair.
24. Take a Virtual Tour
Go to a museum…virtually. See dinosaurs and beautiful works of art. Here are a few of our favorite virtual tours.
25. Do you have a fondue pot? Use it. Try Emily’s Dark Chocolate Fondue.
26. Have Someone Famous Read You a Story
Listen to stories read by everyone from Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey to Annette Bening and Betty White on StoryOnline.net
27. Read a Book Your Neighbor Recommends
Here is our list of books that our readers said they loved so much…they’d read them again!
28. Have a House Party!
Social media has been what’s keeping us all feeling connected the last year so why not on a rainy weekend. Put on a little make-up and get out of those pjs for some virtual cocktails or a brunch with the grandparernts on zoom You could even play a game of charades or Pictionary with family friends.
29. Work on Your Christmas Card!
I never am ahead of the game with this one. My kids are all home–why not get them together for a family photoshoot.
30. Clear Space on Your Phone (& Your Kids!)
I am so tired of hearing “I don’t have space” from my kids. Get under the covers and delete the plethora of duplicate or bad photos–especially the ones where your face looks fat–as well as old emails and gain space!
31. Rainy Days Call for Soup! Even spring days with rain can be chilly so warm up with one of our 20+ Favorite Soup Recipes
32. Go hide in the bathroom with a good book and a bottle of wine
Finally, when all else fails, turn on the TV for your kids, and go hide in the bathroom with a good book and a bottle of wine. No guilt. It isn’t your fault your cooped up with bored kids. They have to learn to entertain themselves for Pete’s sake!