20 Things for Your Back To School “To Do” List
With only days left before it is “back to school” time – Here is what STILL needs to be done:
- School Supply Shopping
- Direct the kids to Cliffs Notes to review the book they were “supposed to” read – or download the movie so they don’t look like complete slackers!
- Get the car washed AND vacuumed!
- Get an oil change
- Return over due library books
- Book a last minute Pediatrician apt.. to update vaccinations!
- Have teenagers caterpillar eye
brows waxed (and probably your own as well!)
- Weed through clothing – donate the outgrown and go outlet shopping!
- Have kids clean out their desks
- Purchaser new planners for parents/children
- Stock up on groceries!
- Binge watch your new favorite series on Netflix
- Buy new Tupperware/lunch bags/backpacks
- Bathe pets – Vet apts
- Clean carpets
- Vacuum and clean out under the kid’s beds – ( see video for my new favorite comedian’s take on this, Dena Blizzard from New Jersey!)
- Clean out “junk” drawer in kitchen
- Restock office essentials – new toner for printer, computer paper, stapler, pencil sharpener
- Catch up on these last few days of sleep – get the kids back on a their sleep schedule
- Don’t forget to take their picture on the first day
Please add any additional tips I may have left out in the comment section! Thanks!
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