13 Ways to Create a Little Leprechaun Mischief
by Karen Latimer and Heather Zachariah
Also read: Is Guinness Really Good for You?
In the midst of the CV chaos, we almost forgot that tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. We all need a disctraction; mischevious little leprechaun is just what the doctor ordered. Basically, the leprechaun is the “elf on the shelf” of March. Thankfully, it is only one day — though I’m sure some entrepreneurial parent is going to find a way to make us pay good money for a tradition we never wanted to start in the first place. There will be leprechaun poop for sale before you know it.

When Karen’s kids told her they wanted to build a leprechaun trap, she thought it was adorable and creative, until we both realized it was the new hot thing. Seems everyone is not only building a trap, but everyone is failing in the capture of the little green guy, who leaves their houses in chaos! (Here are some ideas if you want to build one today.)
We’ve adopted the “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” parenting mentality. In the interest of saving you some creative energy expenditure, here are some ideas for leprechaun mischief.
1. Turn on bagpiper music before they wake up. Loudly!
2. Put green food dye in the toilet. Leps pee green, don’tcha know!
3. Scatter Lucky Charms on the kitchen floor.
4. Leave a rummaged through wallet or coin jar on the floor, as your leprechaun was definitely looking for some gold.
5. Put chocolate coins where you normally leave money. Silly lep thought he could trick you into not noticing the substitution.
6. Simply cause chaos … flip chairs, pull the cushions off the couch, pull clothes out of drawers, turn pictures upside down, unravel all the toilet paper and paper towels, etc. Basically, create the scene of a robbery.
7. Hit the dollar store and scatter lots of green and gold tchotchkes, including some your kids can wear all day.
8. Put streaks of washable green paint on your windows where the little guy tried to break in.
9. Serve them green milk and cookies after school.
11. Think rainbow and drape colored streamers all over your furniture.
12. Draw green mustaches with dry erase markers on the glass of family portraits.
12. Leave a couple empty cans of Guinness crushed on the floor.
13. Make muddy or green footprints leading from the door with some mud and your thumbprint. Of course, you’ll have to sprinkle some green glitter on them for authenticity.
Anything goes. Have some fun with it and let your imagination run wild. Yes, the clean up is a bear, but hey, at least you don’t have shelf and elf for 25 days. Remember, the angrier you are at that rotten, trouble making green guy, the more believable the whole thing will be!
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