10 Resolutions for Getting Your Family Healthier

Also Read: 10 Tasty Avocado Recipes

A mother is never truly alone. Even on the rare occasion I am by myself, my mind and heart are with my kids. I can look to the New Year as an opportunity for self-improvement, but the truth is, it all comes back to my family anyway. This year, in the spirit of telling everyone what to do, I am going to make realistic nutrition resolutions for all of us. We aren’t going carb free or giving up sugar and mama isn’t giving up the wine, but, we are going to try a healthier diet in 10 seemingly easy steps.

1. Cut down on processed food. I know it is hard to avoid the convenience of packaged food, but serve fresh, homemade meals as often as you can. Have some simple recipes and ingredients always on hand.

Try one of these 25+ fresh salads for dinner!

2. Find a sandwich alternative two days a week. Get your kids used to cutting back on carbs by offering soup, yogurt and fruit or salad for lunch. The habit of having carbohydrates with every meal can become a hard one to break as they get older.

3. Eat more fiber. Fiber is great for digestion, cancer prevention and heart health. Gradually, substitute your breads, pastas and rice with whole grains.

Try 1 of Our 10 Favorite Avocado Recipes

4. Stock up on veggies and fruits. If you offer it, they will eat it. Buy foods like berries and avocado for immediate consumption and apples, oranges, carrots and cucumber for later in the week. Produce is expensive. Plan for how quickly certain items can spoil. You’ll waste less and always have something on hand for a healthy snack.

Try Our Indian Tofu Masala

5. Cut down on red meat. Encourage your family to eat fish and vegetarian meals. Escape from the meat and potatoes mentality.

Find out where sugar is hiding.

6.  Eliminate soda and sugary drinks from your home. They provide nothing but temporary energy boosts and empty calories. Read: Where Sugar is Hiding.

7. Cut down on snacking. By focusing on three nutritious meals a day, your family will be less tempted to graze. Have chips and sweets in your home only for special occasions.

Try something new like steamed bok choy.

8. Try new foods. Break out of the family dinner doldrums and give some new flavors a try. You’ll never know if your kids like bok choy or swordfish if you don’t give them a chance.

9. Involve older kids in the planning and preparing of meals. Encourage them to consider the health value when making a menu.

10. Finally, and I know this is extremely difficult in the midst of overscheduled lives, enjoy dinner as a family as often as possible.


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Author: Karen Latimer

Dr. Latimer is a Family Physician and Wellness & Parenting Coach. She works with parents who want to feel more confident when helping their children and coaches young adults to help them better navigate college life and transitions. Contact her at drkarenlatimer@gmail.com to learn more. She is the author of two Audible Originals, Take Back the House -- Raising Happy Parents and Worry Less, Parent Better. She is also the co-founder of the app that makes your life easier and puts social in a healthier place -- List'm.


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